The home-grown hotel aggregator, OYO Hotels, has appointed Aditya Ghosh as the chief executive officer for India and South Asia. His appointment takes effect from December 1, the company said in a statement. OYO Hotels said that Aditya Ghosh would oversee OYO’s business in South Asia, which at present comprises of India and Nepal. He will report to Ritesh Agarwal, founder and group CEO, OYO Hotels & Homes. Explaining the rationale behind the move, Ritesh Agarwal, founder, OYO said “as we grow our business, we feel it is essential to continue to invest in building one of the most influential leadership teams and bringing in professionals with an entrepreneurial mindset and from diverse backgrounds that can help lead the next wave of growth at OYO Hotels.”
“Above all, his ability to deliver growth with large-scale impact, whether it is to develop an inclusive culture or in giving back to society, makes him a great addition to the leadership team,” Agarwal added.
Aditya Ghosh had formerly been associated with IndiGo for over a decade and is credited for turning it into one of the most profitable airlines in the country. As per media reports, Agrawal and Ghosh were in talks for several months before the understanding was reached and the deal made public.
Interestingly for OYO, the development comes at a time when the company is attempting to expand its footprints in the global markets, including the likes of Japan and the UAE. It is also entering newer segments, most notably student housing and long-term rental accommodation services.