Governance in Delhi Demands Public Good must Override Political Expediency

An exclusive conversation on Delhi matters, how the tussle between an elected government and the LG, both parties playing out their own narratives, brings governance to a full stop. How does the ...

Galwan: Four Years Later

Introduction This article is to commemorate the indomitable spirit, bravery, and supreme sacrifice of the Indian Army soldiers in the icy heights of Ladakh’s Galwan Valley, that fateful night of 15 June ...

RBI’s Record Dividend – Connecting the Dots

The issue of dividend transfer by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to the Government of India is customarily seen as a routine measure. But given the wide range of the dividend ...

18th Parliament: How much a New Beginning?

This last month has witnessed new scandals. The likes of which occur, unfortunately, not rarely. Politicians involved in sleaze and scandals is not in itself news breaking. Neither is consumption of hooch ...

Rajdeep’s Political Rumble: Shashi Tharoor Vs Swapan Dasgupta

Echoing the Flavour of Our Times India Today’s Rajdeep Sardesai has a formidable presence in the mainline media. In a recent programme, when Elections 2024 were more than half way, he interviewed ...

Intensifying Heat Waves: Faltering GDP & Rising Miseries!

There is 30 times greater probability of such events occurring than they would have without climate change. While intensified and sustained heatwave impacts the complete development spectrum, it hits the poorly endowed ...

Elections 2024: The Learning Curve

Building Trust, Evolving Mechanisms that Build Better Understanding among Stakeholders, including the Voter! In a free wheeling conversation, former Election Commissioner, Ashok Lavasa, highlights the magnitude of Indian democracy and the unfolding ...

The Shifting Sands of Indian Democracy

A Closely Fought Election, a Tribute to every Indian who Voted, a Vote for Indian Democracy, a Mature Mandate We close this article on the evening of 4 June, just in time ...

The Stock Market: At an Inflection Point

“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas”, recommends the author, while quoting Nobel Laureate Paul Samuelson ...

Ongoing Conflicts: Major Lessons for India

Introduction The horrific Hamas attack on 07 October 2024 and the subsequent Israeli retaliation which has the potential of plunging the entire Middle East into conflict, have added to the war in ...
