In a recent development, FAITH has elected its new team of office bearers. The new team consists of Nakul Anand as the Chairman, nominated by Hotel Association of India (HAI); Akshay Kumar as the Vice Chairman, nominated by Adventure Tour Operators Association of India (ATOAI); Subhash Goyal as the Honorary Secretary. He has been nominated by Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and nominated by Federation of Hotels & Association of India (FHRAI), Garish Oberoi is the new Treasurer. All the five members have been unanimously elected by the FAITH Board and Aashish Gupta continues as the Consulting CEO.
The Annual General Meeting has recommended creation of an additional position of the Vice Chairman. Sunil Kumar, nominated by Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) has stepped into that role.
The FAITH Board also copiously thanked the outgoing Vice Chairman, Sarab Jit Singh for his immense personal commitment and contribution to FAITH. Further, the FAITH Board thanked the outgoing Honorary Secretary, Saeed M. Shervani for aligning FAITH very strongly for all the internal compliances among the ten member associations.